50 easy and healthy cases of vandalism caught by people on the streets (new photos)

However, when it comes to deciding whether something is vandalism or street art, there is no clear answer. You have to look at each case separately. “In my opinion, graffiti, marking, stencil art can be seen as an act of vandalism, when the purpose of this act is not to spread a message, but only to mark a place, for example, to damage a new building,” Kristina said. shared how she does it. “If you get caught doing that, you get fined.”

Bored Panda was also interested in getting a street art blogger’s opinion on spreading humor in public spaces through street art. Kristina said that it reminds her artist Clet Abraham, which uses road signs as its canvas. (We featured his work on Bored Panda. earlier.)

Clet uses custom stickers to create humorous alternative versions of road signs,” said Kristina. She drew our attention to the fact that in one of his interviews Clet discussed how street signs “use a very simple, almost universal language.”

“Because it was a study of a common language for everyone. It’s a visual language. I found this idea very interesting. The question is: how can you communicate with a large number of people in a direct way? For me it was like going back to the origins of visual communication itself. So, playing with this language, I started draw,” said the artist Clet.

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