Cody Berman is worth $1.3 million and earns $30,000/month in mostly passive income

Financial advisors insist that adopting a save and invest mindset early maximizes your chances of building long-term wealth. But even many money professionals would consider Cody Berman an extraordinary case.

At 19, after reading “The 4-Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss, Berman says he had an epiphany about his financial goals. “I thought you made money once you got a big corporate job,” he says. “[The book] broke all that money mindset for me. It made me realize that you can spend your time creating passive income streams so that you no longer have to trade your time for money on a linear basis.”

In short, Berman became a follower of the “FIRE” movement – ​​short for “financial independence, early retirement”. The main principle: by saving aggressively, investing regularly and creating multiple sources of income, you can give up the 9 to 5 life long before the age of 65.

But because it started early, there was little ditching to be done. Berman, now 26, has barely set foot in a cubicle since he started pursuing FIRE at 19. “Since that moment, all the gears in my brain have been rewired to start thinking that way,” he says. “And it’s been a crazy journey ever since.”

These days, Berman makes about $30,000 a month in “mostly passive” income. Last year he reached his FIRE number, having earned enough money to never work again if he wanted to. He estimates his current net worth at $1.3 million. Here’s how he did it.

He took advantage of his advantages

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He continued to invest aggressively

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Later that year, they purchased another duplex in Connecticut, and in May 2021, they added a three-family home near their first rental property. They currently live in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom Massachusetts ranch home, the smaller of two homes on a property that also includes a 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom home with 600 square feet of space. commercial office space, which they rent.

“And then, very recently, we closed an Airbnb property, kind of a luxury vacation home that we’re going to rent out,” Berman says. “At this point, in total, we have acquired 12 gates” – real estate investment lingo for units. Currently, his real estate investments are bringing in $6,000 per month in profit.

Despite the robust revenue, Cody still keeps his expenses down. He estimates his annual cost of living at around $40,000. Where does the rest of his income go? A large part is devoted to investments.

Last year, he contributed the maximum $20,500 as an employee into a Solo Roth 401(k) and hoarded an additional $40,500 of after-tax money as an employer using the so-called the “mega Roth backdoor,” which works by post-taxpayer money into a traditional account and rolling the money into a Roth account.

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“So far I’ve tried to max this count first,” he says. “With the rest, I save for down payments on properties, pour money into brokerage accounts, and also keep a healthy, yet risk-tolerant amount in crypto.” He says the latter represents about 5% or 6% of his net worth.

Altogether, his total net worth currently stands at around $1.3 million.

Berman attributes his rapid wealth growth to one key factor: passive income.

“There are so many people who have the opportunity – who are young and have a lot of energy and ideas, but they’re not taking advantage of it by creating this course or this ebook,” he says. “The most powerful thing in my story is that I was able to do it, and I’m not a lawyer or a consultant making that kind of money. I sort of outsourced everything.”

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