Best Airbnbs near Isle Royale National Park: Vacation Home Rentals
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Isle Royale National Park is a secluded paradise in northern Michigan (near the Canadian border), encompassing 850 square miles of rugged wilderness, all surrounded by Lake Superior. Due to extreme weather conditions, it is only open from mid-April to October. and because it’s only accessible by ferry or seaplane, it takes a bit of planning to arrange a visit.
Ferry trips are long (6 hours from Houghton, Michigan; 3.5 from Copper Harbor, Michigan; and about 2.5 hours from Grand Portage, Minnesota), so most people plan to stay at least one night there. inside the park. The only way to do this is to stay at one of the park’s 36 primitive campgrounds or Rock Harbor Lodge at the northeast end. You can also take a seaplane from Houghton, which will get you to the park in less than an hour.
Long story short: you’ll need a home base off the island, whether you plan to stay in the park for a night or a week, or go back and forth in a day. These Airbnbs, which range from rustic cabins to lakeside estates (with an old Victorian flair just for fun), are all great places to rest your head for a night during your adventure in the National Park of Isle Royale – and many of them will convince you to rest your head longer than that.
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