How old are houses in Minnesota compared to other states?
There are some classic homes here in Minnesota, but how old are our homes here compared to other states?
I confess to being a history buff and am fascinated by many things about our past here in Minnesota. And while the land of 10,000 lakes has been a state for, oh, 164 years now (we were admitted into the union on May 11, 1858), our history here is relatively recent when you compare us to some of the states that were the original 13 colonies on the east coast.
One of the fastest growing cities in Minnesota these days is Rochester, where, much like the Southeast Metro Twin Cities, many new homes are being built each year and entire neighborhoods are springing up where there isn’t. there used to be only agricultural land.
So how old are our homes here in North Star State when you compare them to other states? That’s what the gang at tried to find out when was this nice survey. They used census data from across the country and this interactive list of median age at home in the United States.
And what did they find? Well, here in Minnesota, the average age of a house is around 43 years old. If you click HERE, you can see the distribution of median house age by state. New York has the oldest houses, with an average age of 63 years. Meanwhile, homes in Nevada are only around 26 years old on average.
You can also view the median of homes by county. Here in Minnesota, many metro Twin Cities counties, like Hennepin, Ramsey, and others, have relatively high median ages, around 49 and 56. In Olmsted County, however, many homes have a relatively young median age of just 36.
You can check all HouseMethod survey HERE. And keep scrolling to check out an AMAZING Minneapolis castle-like home that’s up for sale right now.
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Stunning historic home for sale in Minneapolis for $3.5 million
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