Weird: Guests sue Airbnb host over disability that ‘traumatized’ them: The Tribune India

Grandstand web desk

Chandigarh, October 7

A bizarre incident has been reported in Ireland, where an Airbnb host claimed she was sued by her guests because she suffered from a rare genetic condition, which left them traumatized.

The woman took to TikTok to express her displeasure over the incident and said she wanted to show the court judge that “people with disabilities are not scary and shouldn’t have to pay compensation if someone doesn’t like their disability”.

The woman has Huntington’s disease, which is genetic, and guests made the point in the trial that they were not told beforehand about her disability.

The woman also claims that Airbnb supported guests in this regard and that she was pressured to spend the evening “locked up” in her kitchen, as the company allegedly asked her to.

According to a spreading Twitter thread, such practices are funded by certain lobbies who want to challenge the Equality Act, which is very important anti-discrimination legislation in the EU and the UK.

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