It’s the weirdest tradition in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky

When you think of things your state is known for, do any of these activities or traditions strike you as odd?

Each state has its own history. They also celebrate this history based on events or influential people with diverse traditions. For people who are not from this state, these traditions can seem strange, original, particular or just quirky. However, for those who have grown up with these traditions year after year, they are just normal.

The website 24/7 rhythm decided to examine these traditions and track down what they define as the weirdest in each state. How did they come to the conclusion for each state? According to the website:

24/7 Tempo scoured media sources, state and city websites, and cultural resources to compile a list of famous and weird traditions in each state. We reviewed each tradition to assess its uniqueness to the state as well as the unusualness of the tradition or custom. Obviously, the specialness of a tradition is in the eye of the beholder. What is weird for one person may not be for another.

By now you might be wondering what the weirdest traditions are in our part of the country. let’s see what 24/7 rhythm said was the strangest tradition in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky.

Illinois’ weirdest tradition

The tradition referred to as Illinois’ weirdest takes place once a year in Chicago, and it’s certainly weird, but more than that, it’s pretty funny. It’s the subway ride without pants. Oh, and in case you’re wondering what that is, that’s exactly what it sounds like. According 24/7 rhythm:

The merry pranksters of the Improv Everywhere artist troupe hold an annual no-pants subway ride on Chicago’s subway cars. Attendees should be warm, as this year’s event takes place in January. The ride was on the city’s red line this year.

Indiana’s Weirdest Tradition

Next up is my home state of Indiana. The tradition that has been named the weirdest is the one that happens at racing’s biggest event, the Indy 500. It’s of course the winner who pours milk over his head after the race. 24/7 rhythm said:

Indianapolis 500 winners pour milk on themselves — much like NFL coaches whose teams win the Super Bowl get a huge bucket of Gatorade poured all over them. The custom began in the 1930s, when three-time winner Louis Meyer drank buttermilk after winning a race. It’s such a popular tradition today that on race day, Indiana farmers select the Milk Person who is responsible for delivering milk to the winning driver.

Kentucky’s Weirdest Tradition

Finally, our neighbor to the south, Kentucky. It’s one I’ve never heard of before, but apparently it’s a tradition in Kentucky at weddings. The tradition here is for the bride and groom to bury a bottle of bourbon at their wedding venue. According 24/7 rhythm:

Besides college basketball and thoroughbred horses, Kentucky is known for its bourbon. One of the Bluegrass State traditions is for the bride and groom to bury a bottle of bourbon at the wedding site to keep the rain from spoiling their big day. The burial must take place no later than one month before the wedding, and the bottle must be full and placed upside down in the ground. After the ceremony, the bottle is dug up and its contents drunk by the wedding guests.

There you have it, the weirdest tradition from Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. Do you find any of these weird or normal? If you want to see the strange traditions of other states, you can check them out in click here.

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