A ruthless rapist snatched a vulnerable victim trying to get home after a night out in Liverpool | United Kingdom | News

A ruthless rapist who posed as a taxi driver to lure a teenage girl into his car as she tried to get home has been jailed. Hameed Naderi, 30, of Grenville Street South in Liverpool city center was sentenced to nine and a half years in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of rape. Liverpool Crown Court heard the 19-year-old victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was seen as an ‘easy target’ by Naderi, the Echo of Liverpool reports. Michael Scholes, the prosecutor, told the court that the victim remembered being in a bar, but her next memory was of being in a stranger’s room with him on her and having sex with him. she. The victim left the bar at around 3 a.m. before heading to a restaurant where Naderi “led her to believe or allowed her to believe” that he was a taxi driver.

CCTV footage showed the victim walking past his car near Lime Street station before walking towards her, tying her arms and leading her into his vehicle before leaving.

Mr Scholes told the court: “She was extremely drunk and vulnerable and was unable to resist.

“The defendant took advantage of her. In doing so, the defendant behaved in a sinister and predatory manner – deliberately targeting this young woman for his own sexual gratification.”

Reading a statement to the court, the victim described how it became “virtually impossible” for her too to leave the house as she was “too sad to get out of bed”.

She told the court that the attack caused her to quit her part-time job and harmed her studies.

She added: “I’m crying because I can’t deal with the emotional pain. I know I have a long road ahead of me, but knowing he won’t be able to do this to another person makes me happier. than anything else.”

During sentencing, Judge Neil Flewitt KC said Naderi “effectively ripped her off the streets.”

He added: “She had been enjoying a night out with friends and had a little too much to drink.

“In a very vulnerable state, she ended up in the Lime Street station area. Perhaps she was hoping to catch a taxi home.

“Instead, it fell on you. Whatever my suspicions, there is no evidentiary basis on which I could conclude that you deliberately planned to be in this area in the hope of abducting and to rape a young woman – but that’s what you did.

“Maybe it was opportunistic. Maybe it was, when you saw the state she was in, you thought she would be an easy target.”

Judge Flewitt continued: “I have no doubt that the events of that night will stay with her for a long time. You have absolutely no idea of ​​the harm you have done or the wickedness of your actions – you have shown no remorse.”

Merseyside Police hailed the victim’s “courage and dignity”.

Detective Inspector Leanne Toole said: “Today’s results show that violence against women and girls simply will not be tolerated and we will work tirelessly to bring the perpetrators to justice.

“We are committed to protecting victims of sexual offenses, and anyone who reports an incident to us will be protected and supported throughout the investigation by specially trained officers and sexual violence advocates who will provide all necessary support.

“Anyone who has been the victim of a sexual offence, is concerned for the safety of someone they know, or suspects someone of engaging in this criminal activity, should come forward and talk to us.

“We have a team of dedicated staff who will handle your reports competently and compassionately and we will do everything we can to bring offenders to justice.”

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