AirB-N-BAWK! Chicken farm to let people roost, learn how to care for chickens – FOX13 News Memphis

WRENSHALL, Minn. — Have you ever wanted to quit the day-to-day business and become a farmer?

Thanks to a chicken farm in Minnesota, you can now get a taste of farm life.

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Locally Laid Egg Company built a six foot raised house which he now rents out Airbnb, KQDSComment reported.

The owners of the farm told the news channel they want to bring ‘egg tourism’ to their property and allow visitors to try their hand at farming.

“I don’t think anyone is doing anything exactly like that anywhere. This idea that you can do all the farm chores and process the eggs and get your own carton and sell it at the farmers market, that’s really the whole package,” said Lucie Amundsen. KQDSComment.

The owners of the farm offer a “choose your own adventure” stay which could include tending pasture-raised poultry, collecting eggs or simply “viewing the poultry”.

Visitors have 10 tasks to choose from and if they complete nine they get “locally crafted items to take home”, the SEO said.

In addition to the hundreds of free-range chickens, the property also has thousands of honey berry plants for visitors to experience and nurture.

The work getaway helps some visitors embrace their inner farmer, while others learn that farm life isn’t for them.

“We had a family vacation with us once and their son was terrified of chickens at first,” Jason Amundsen said. KARE. “At the end of the trip, he was holding the chickens.”

The cost of renting the mini farm is $157 per night.

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