BITE Guest Trending | How turbulent times can create moments of connection, opportunity and change

Frances was one of three inspirational speakers at a recent TEDxGreekStWomen event I hosted, looking at how we can create change in times like these.

Alongside her were other accomplished changemakers: Fiona Rogers, Parasol Foundation Curator for Women in Photography for the V&A Museum; and Khanyisile Mbongwa, curator of the Liverpool Biennial 2023.

These women each had their own story to tell and powerful ideas to share. What was interesting about an event like this was how the need to take care of oneself emerged from the various discussions – while supporting each other, the positivity, the hope and even the tenderness.

The need for authentic leadership

Frances set the scene with the context that many leaders currently face: a landscape of recession, inflation, climate change and war.

“As individuals, we all lead and we can all change the way people relate to us,” she explains, listing four key facets of inspiring leadership:

· “The first is positive thinking. With the world full of sadness, positivity is so important.

· “Second, curiosity. It is important to get to know different people, countries, situations and abilities.

· “Third, Possibility: Let’s celebrate everyone’s possibilities.

· “And, last but not least, integrity. We must navigate with purpose, principles and values. It’s invisible but it’s fundamental and it helps us navigate uncharted waters.

Make room for other people to fill

Fiona from the V&A shared her thoughts on the need to stand up for women, and indeed all marginalized groups, in safe and supportive environments. Making room for other people’s stories and knowing when to say “no” to an opportunity that others might take has been on his mind lately.

With a particular interest in intersectionality, she recently took on a new role at the V&A – a curatorial program examining gender imbalance in photography.

Pointing out that the term ‘curate’ comes from a Latin word meaning ‘to care’, Fiona explains, ‘I’m interested in that gatekeeper mentality and very aware of the responsibility of representation and agency’, adding ‘sometimes , it’s important to step back and say when you may not be the most appropriate spokesperson.

Breaking Generational Curses: Self-Acceptance

Finally, Khanyisile Mbongwa, who is organizing the Liverpool Biennial in 2023, shared his thoughts on “generational curses” and how we can break them.

“In high school, I was like, ‘Am I allowed to dream? What is dreaming anyway?’. It wasn’t a completely innocent question. My people faced a history of violence, apartheid… I wondered if there was ever a space for a queer African woman from the ghetto?

Khanyisile, from South Africa, shared her thoughts on the importance of tenderness, being yourself and “keep dreaming” as we come out of anxiety and survival mode.

“Trauma is not the only thing my people have left behind,” she added. “That’s why I’m the police station. It’s about breaking generational curses; live with hope and be deliberate about purpose.

Above all, she says, her practice is built on care: “Care is not an easy thing to do. I know that I will not always succeed. Sometimes we have to ask others, ‘How do you need me to take care of you?’

“It’s so important to really work in a place of love and care, to talk and sit peacefully with your shadow and to accept sometimes that you fail, and failure is progress.”

Frances agreed, pointing out that a strong support system can provide the courage to take risks, while emphasizing the importance of self-care: “In Asian culture, you have a village around you. It helped my bold spirit. It gave me confidence to try something new. My mom also gave me the confidence to say, ‘It’s okay to fail. Someone is behind you.’ Most women are really relationship-oriented. courage with your colleagues.

All three women agreed that failure was not to be feared. “As we train to trust our authentic selves, safe spaces remain extremely important – as does knowing that failure is an option,” says Fiona.

Valuing individual experiences and identities

With “megatrends” all around us, the need to be mindful and pivot is paramount. “It’s not just about wellness philanthropy,” says Frances, pointing out that her 30-year career at IBM has led her to think ‘technology first’ to ‘human first’. “Today, we have our computers in our pockets. Technology is about human experience and we need to develop siled thinking,” she warns.

At this point, Khanyisile says few of us have a “neatly wrapped identity,” emphasizing the importance of accepting multiple selves. “We are always shielded – because of police brutality, systematic violence or the white male gaze judging what is worthy or acceptable. Remember that only you set the standard of who you can be.

In conclusion, Frances explains, “As dark as it all seems, what goes down must come up. As we take off our masks, there is an opportunity to reconcile, to regroup, to reset. »

She points out that, as painful as things may seem, there is always hope – and the exceptional Gen Z talent she sees in her work as well as the “great spirit” of many start-ups with which she works, fill her with optimism.

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