Liverpool tease cruise ship and camping accommodation amid Eurovision hotel price hikes

Anyone who’s been on already knows: you can’t find a room for the grand finale night that costs less than £1,000.

Indeed, according to said “99% of its accommodation in the city is fully booked, with the few remaining hotels costing up to £2,000”.

Some fans, who booked into shortlisted host cities more than a month ago, have had their reservations canceled and re-booking prices increased.

And some people, who had booked into Liverpool for reasons unrelated to Eurovision, such as weddings or family reunions, had their rooms canceled because of Eurovision. A woman tweeted that her room, which she had booked for a wedding, went from £260 to £3,500.

Well now Chris Brown, the boss of Marketing Liverpool, has told the BBC that the city will publish further options later this week. Without going into great detail, he offered some inventive options for those looking for an adventure.

“It could involve cruise ships or opportunities around a campsite, but we have a pretty solid plan,” he told the BBC.

“We have a plan that was part of the whole bidding process to ensure we opened up a range of accommodation options.”

As is the norm in every host city, a number of hotels and rooms have been blocked for participating countries and their delegations – and at reasonable rates.

This is partly because every year businesses try to take advantage of the tourism boom.

Mr Brown promises Eurovision organizers ‘will speak to those who we believe are behaving in a way which we believe is not in the spirit or ethos of why Liverpool entered Eurovision”.

Did you manage to secure anything? What nightmare of a moment did you have? Let us know below!

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