New York has more Airbnbs than apartments available right now

Moving to New York and New York City often comes with a lot of stress. With rising rental pricesa limited number of parking spaces available for moving trucks and a large number of walk-in units, settling into a new home in the Big Apple can be more difficult than in other cities across the country.

Now New Yorkers face a new challenge: There could be more Airbnb listings than actual apartments available for rent. According to a braked report, there are now fewer than 10,000 units available in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Northwest Queen. In April, that number reached 7,669. Airbnb, on the other hand, currently lists 10,572 entire apartment and entire home rentals in New York City according to AirDNA. Another listing data tracking site, Inside Airbnb, says the number is well over 10,000, reaching 20,397, Curbed reports.

As the number of Airbnb listings available has plummeted during the pandemic, Curbed suggests there may be a correlation between New York’s housing shortage and the number of short-term rentals available, although Airbnb is not Okay. “Over the past two years, our entire citywide supply of space listings has shrunk and now represents a fraction of 1% of rental housing in the city,” a spokesperson said. Airbnb. “And all this while rental prices are trending higher and city-issued permits for new unit development remain down double digit percentages.”

New York effectively banned short-term rentals without the presence of the landlord in 2011 and made them illegal to advertise in 2016. However, there are still some exceptions. Garden apartments in owner-occupied buildings in Brownstown can be rented out year-round, housing stock that may previously have been occupied by long-term tenants. Others may be available only for times when owners are traveling.

With prices continuing to rise and available units dwindling, renters face a tough road. If you are looking for an apartment and want to access more information on affordable housing, you can visit this link.

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