Seven random Bournemouth University moments that make you feel like a real adult

The experiences of every highly organized third-year or second-year student should relate to

One day, you’ll find yourself choosing to watch University Challenge in bed with a beer one night on Toast Tuesday, and you’ll start to wonder if you’re old.

Student life is hectic, often alcohol-driven and full of events and opportunities, but sometimes the little things can remind you that you’re becoming an adult in real life. Maybe it’s time to phase sports hobbies out of your conference wardrobe and start investing in some *thrill* workwear. It’s all the moments you’ll experience at Bournemouth University that will make you feel like a real adult.

Use Fresher’s Weekly Freebies

If you went to the Fresher Fair to become a free pest, as you absolutely should with the amount you’re paying in fees, you’d probably have banished the bag to the corner of your room to collect dust. Inside, there are some really helpful eyewear discounts, job offers, and even free wash and beauty product samples. Legend has it that if you manage to use anything other than the free pizza slices and cans of beer, an apparition of Martin Lewis will appear in your mirror to congratulate you.

Take a walk on the beach to clear your head

Feeling like you’re in an ITV drama is the main motivation for taking a solo walk on the beach. As the wind artfully ruffles your hair and you gaze skyward over Sandbanks, contemplating essay topics and what to have for tea, you imagine everyone wondering what mysterious business you are taken. In reality, they’re also wondering what to have for tea or whether the dead rat on the side of the pavement is worth reporting to the council.

Wear jeans for a conference

It’s the epitome of becoming an adult in real life. One day you’ll look at your tea-stained joggers and cringe slightly, and that’ll be the day you decide you have to get on with it. The jeans will reappear from the bottom of the drawer, and you’ll feel smug as you walk towards Fusion, knowing you’re wearing an outfit that can’t double as pajamas. That will dissipate five minutes into the lecture when you gaze longingly at someone wearing joggers as you try to get comfortable in the stiff denim prison you’ve locked yourself in.

Being too tired from work/sports/studies to socialize

Life at BU is busy. If you’re anything like me, 9am to 5pm with work at college, 5pm to 9pm for practice, and 9pm to 3am, you’ll be lucky to sleep, let alone socialize. Hooray for Outlook planners and calendars! At least you’ll have multiple groups of friends to orbit around.

Learn to use the library system – and actually study in it

When you first visit the library in first grade, as is the right of passage, you learn that it is a fantastic place to have lunch with your friends and put on a productive front. As the avalanche of work rushes towards you in your final year and you have to start reading your subject, the library becomes your best friend, your partner and your whole world. The automated book lending system is magical, and the soft chairs make studying a delight. The overhead office lighting and lack of windows become slightly obtrusive. If you don’t keep an eye on the time, the lack of sunrise and sunset indicators resembles the casino scene in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

Dinner with your friends

Everyone free on the same day, at the same time, each bringing a plate? Peak of adulthood, especially with the lure of being able to go to bed at 9 p.m.

Preparing meals rather than buying a meal on campus every day

The effort of organizing and planning meals can be considerable, but it’s still less effort than having to take extra hours from your job to cover your financial mistake of forgetting lunch. Preparing meals can be an effort, but it’s still better than wondering if you’ll ever be able to buy a house because you’ve spent so much money on meal deals. Plus, you’ll really start living out your fantasy of being a teacher with loud Tupperware salads.

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