Tesla adds Airbnb co-founder Joe Gebbia to board

Credit: Skift

You’re here announced Wednesday that it has added a new member to its board, welcoming Airbnb co-founder Joe Gebbia in a filing and blog post on its website.

Gebbia’s addition comes after former Oracle board member and co-founder Larry Ellison left his seat earlier this summer.

Gebbia has an estimated net worth of around $7 billion and also sits on the board of Airbnb and Airbnb.org, having left the company he helped start 14 years ago.

Tesla gave a brief overview of Gebbia in his blog post welcoming him to the board.

“Gebbia, designer and entrepreneur, spent the last 14 years of his career as co-founder of Airbnb. The service he built with his co-founders transformed the hospitality industry, enabling travelers seeking local experiences to book homes in nearly any country in the world. Since its creation in 2007 in its San Francisco living room, Airbnb has enabled more than 4 million hosts to share their accommodation in mutual trust. Hosts have since hosted over a billion guests and earned over $150 billion, creating economic impact around the world. As designer and original host, Gebbia helped shape Airbnb’s product, interface and brand into a household name. His entrepreneurial instinct also led to the creation of their community-powered nonprofit, Airbnb.org. With a mission to open homes in times of crisis, their emergency response efforts have sheltered over 200,000 people during natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic and the global refugee crisis,” said said Tesla. wrote.

According to Form 8-K deposit with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Gebbia officially became a member of the board of directors on September 25, 2022.

The filing also reveals that Gebbia chose not to be compensated for his role on the board until July 2023.

Gebbia’s seat on the board has probably been brewing for months. In July, CEO Elon Musk congratulated him after announcing his decision to leave Airbnb after spending 14 years at the helm.

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