5 tips for Iowans to help them stick to their New Year’s resolutions

It’s that time of year that a very popular saying starts popping up on your social media feeds. You’ll likely read the “new year, new me” hashtag more than a few times in the coming weeks, browsing Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. Even though the resolutions may seem silly, I just want to remind you that many people have been able to change their lives for the better at this time of year.

There are thousands of people who will lose weight, quit smoking, or improve their financial situation this year, all thanks to a wacky New Year’s resolution. If you’re looking to make changes to your life in 2023, what are What are the best ways for Iowans to keep their resolutions this year? type inhas some fantastic tips for achieving your goals in 2023.

Unsplash – Tim Mossholder

Unsplash – Tim Mossholder

1. One of the best ways to stick to your New Year’s resolutions is to make realistic ones. It’s important to remember to start with goals that you can realistically achieve and achieve. If you’ve never picked up a football before and want to make it to the NFL in 2023, this is going to be pretty tough to do.

2. It may seem like a small thing, but write down your resolutions on a piece of paper or a post-it note. Put them in a place where you can see them all the time, to help you stay motivated. If you are constantly reminded of your goals for 2023, you are more likely to stick to them.

3. Break down your goals and make them more manageable. If you can simplify each main goal into smaller, more manageable tasks, it can help you stick to your plan and feel rewarded for small accomplishments. Again, this is another great motivator to stick with it and keep pursuing your goals.

4. Keep track of your progress. 365 days may seem like a long time. If you can find something to celebrate each week or month, it will help keep you motivated. Get a notebook or calendar and write down new accomplishments each week/month.

5. Ask friends and family members for help. Depending on your goals or resolutions in 2023, remember to use your resources. While you can’t force your friends and family to join in on your New Year’s resolutions, you can ask them to help you stay accountable. Seek advice if you need help getting started, whatever you’re starting, in 2023.

I know not everyone likes to create New Years resolutions but I will say that I have several friends who started working out and eating healthier in early 2020 and it has completely changed their lives for the best. I know several people who have lost upwards of 50-75 pounds all because of a New Years resolution. I have a friend who smoked cigarettes for 9 years and hasn’t smoked for 3 years because of ‘a resolution he had to stop. If you can stick to a plan and stay dedicated, 2023 is your time to shine.

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