Strip club ban: Edinburgh threatens to close all sex entertainment venues

Alina*, 31, currently works as a dancer at a strip club in Edinburgh. But by the end of this week, she could find herself without a job.

On Thursday March 31, Edinburgh Council will vote on whether to limit the number of sexual entertainment venues (SEVs) in the city or impose a ‘no cap’ policy – which would effectively ban strip clubs -tease. The vote follows the publication of the Scottish Government’s report strategy for the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in 2019, which argued that “prostitution, lap dancing, stripping, pornography” encompasses and engenders VAWG. To date, there is no evidence of this.

Understandably, many strippers have sounded the alarm over Edinburgh’s proposed zero-cap policy and pointed out that banning strip clubs would, conversely, put women at greater risk of violence. . Ultimately, banning strip clubs will not eliminate demand and will only force strippers to work at private events or undertake street sex work, which is ten times more dangerous than indoor sex work.

The uncertainty has already had a detrimental impact on Alina’s mental health and caused her anxiety to skyrocket. “If a zero cap is introduced, I will be forced to work in private events, hotels and Airbnbs where there is no CCTV or security, and I would probably have to rely on third parties and give those third parties a part of my income,” she says. “Or I would have to travel from Edinburgh to Glasgow or different cities in England for work.”

“A zero-ceiling decision could push me into poverty or force me to rely on benefits.” Given the current cost of living crisis, this is arguably the worst possible time for Alina to be forcibly laid off.

Dolly*, 35, is another Edinburgh-based dancer who shares Alina’s concerns. “We are beginning to understand that blaming the victims is nothing but detrimental to the fight against gender-based violence, but I implore people to extend this to women’s choice of employment,” she says. . “Blaming gender-based violence on the existence of clubs and the dancers who choose to work there is also blaming the victims. This stigmatizes and marginalizes dancers, putting them at risk in society.

“People often ask me, ‘Are you safe?’ and the answer is a resounding yes,” she continues. “Clubs are required to have CCTV and door staff – without that it wouldn’t be safe. If clubs are closed, the demand will still be there and dancers will then have to work at private events without CCTV or security. To propose a zero cap on clubs is absolutely putting women at risk.”

“Blaming gender-based violence on the existence of clubs and the dancers who choose to work there is also blaming the victims. This stigmatizes and marginalizes dancers, putting them at risk in society. – Cart

Even if the board does not close any clubs and instead decides to limit the number of SEVs to four – the current number of SEVs in operation – Alina explains that this would give the few bosses who currently run these places a complete monopoly in the industry. . “That means they won’t have any reason to improve their practices for their workers or customers, and no new, more progressive venues will be able to open,” she explains.

Alexis, 43, is another Edinburgh dancer believed to be affected by the ban. “I would be left with two options: leave my family for a city that allows strip clubs, or stay in Edinburgh so I can be near my family but put myself in danger by having to do private parties and bachelor parties. where there is no CCTV, bouncers or rules my clients have to follow,” she says.

Closing strip clubs isn’t going to make it go away. All he will do is drive them underground and force women in the industry to work in dangerous situations. Thus, rather than diminishing violence against women, it will perpetuate it.“Like Alina and Dolly, she too has experienced anxiety in recent months. “I’m afraid the job I’ve been doing for 15 years will be taken away from me by people who don’t understand the industry I work in..”

“Closing strip clubs isn’t going to make it go away. All he will do is push them underground” – Alexis

Edinburgh isn’t the only city where strip clubs face restrictions – Bristol Council have also proposed banning strip clubs, although they have yet to set a date for a vote. As is the case in Edinburgh, the proposed ban aims to stem VAWGs but is likely to have the opposite effect. Furthermore, Avon and Somerset Police data found that between 2018 and 2020, sexual assaults were far more common in Bristol nightclubs than in strip clubs – meaning this attack on strip clubs is baseless.

Dolly implores councilors to listen to dancers when it comes to voting on capping SEVs. “I understand that not everyone is comfortable with the idea of ​​stripping. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and can easily choose to avoid clubs,” she says. , it is people with biased opinions who make decisions about our clubs, without listening to the opinions and concerns of those who work there.”

We can only hope counselors empathize with strippers and consider what it would be like to suddenly find yourself unemployed without you being to blame in the current economic climate. Because despite the industry’s imperfections, sex work is still work, and workers — especially working-class women workers — deserve to be protected.

*Names have been changed

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