Airbnb is cracking down on disruptive parties this New Year’s Eve

Got plans for a wild and rowdy New Year’s Eve party at an Airbnb rental property? Good luck booking it. headaches and sometimes dangerous.As in mid-August 2020, along Broadway in Pendleton.There was a shooting at an unauthorized party at an Airbnb rental booked under false pretences.It’s only an example of what the online marketplace company is trying to prevent by focusing on so-called open invitation parties. “The open invitation means maybe the type of party that is advertised on social media where it’s very difficult to keep control over how many people show up,” said Ben Breit, director of communications for trust and security for Airbnb. “You know, is there a conflict between some of these people?” Airbnb gave it a trial run last New Year’s Eve by banning overnight rentals, seeing a 56% drop in unauthorized parties. Of the 3,500 people in Ohio who were denied tenancies, 700 were in Cincinnati. From Chicago Tonight, Breit told us they were targeting people with no history of positive reviews or no reviews at all. Try booking December 31, or even a two night stay and their antenna will go up. You know, I’m booking an area below the area I live in, and it’s for two nights and it’s a six-bedroom mansion. You know, those are the signs we’re looking for that could potentially indicate an unauthorized party,” Breit said. Airbnb also tested the restrictions over the 4th of July weekend and on Halloween, which is another rental period. ‘a popular night. And while you may be far removed from the Pendleton party example, you haven’t earned Airbnb’s trust if your log is empty. “We know there’s that compromise there,” Breit said. “We optimize for trust and security. That’s what we’re doing here.” The policy has been around since 2020. What’s new is its widespread nature for New Year’s Eve. In fact, it’s a global policy that includes Ireland, the Portugal and the Netherlands for the first time. So before planning your Auld Lang Syne location this time, think of Airbnb as “Don’t You Dare bnb” if you are going away for one night, open-invite rental.

Planning a wild and rowdy New Year’s Eve party at an Airbnb rental?

Good luck trying to book it.

The platform puts the hammer on those loud, out-of-control parties that are relatively rare but still a big headache and sometimes dangerous.

As in mid-August 2020, along Broadway in Pendleton.

There was a shooting at an unauthorized party at an Airbnb rental booked under false pretences.

This is just one example of what the online marketplace company is trying to prevent by focusing on so-called open-invitation parties.

“Open invitation means maybe the type of party that is advertised on social media where it’s very difficult to keep control on how many people show up, who shows up,” said Ben Breit, director of Trust and safety communications for Airbnb. “You know, is there a conflict between some of these people?

Airbnb gave it a trial run last New Year’s Eve by banning overnight rentals, seeing a 56% drop in unauthorized parties.

Of the 3,500 people in Ohio who were denied rentals, 700 were in Cincinnati.

From Chicago Tonight, Breit told us they were targeting people with no history of positive reviews or no reviews at all.

Try booking December 31, or even two nights and their antenna goes up.

“You know, I’m booking an area below the area I live in, and it’s for two nights and it’s a six-bedroom mansion. You know, these are signs we’re looking for that could potentially indicate a unauthorized party,” Breit said.

Airbnb also tested the restrictions over the July 4 weekend and Halloween, which is another popular nightly rental time.

And while you may be far removed from the Pendleton party example, you haven’t earned Airbnb’s trust if your review log is empty.

“We know there’s that trade-off there,” Breit said. “We optimize trust and security. That’s what we do here.”

The policy has been around since 2020. What’s new is its widespread nature for New Year’s Eve.

In fact, it is a global policy which for the first time includes Ireland, Portugal and the Netherlands.

So before planning your Auld Lang Syne location this time, think of Airbnb as “Don’t You Dare bnb” if you are going for an open invitation one night rental.

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