Airbnb’s “Live Anywhere” contest invites you to live like a nomad for a year

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could live in Argentina one week and then in Denmark the following week? Now is your chance. Airbnb has just unveiled its “Live anywhere on Airbnb“, inviting up to 12 people to place an Airbnb ad across the world for an entire year. In a recent Airbnb report, 74% of people said they wanted to live somewhere other than where they work after the pandemic is over. With this unique opportunity, Airbnb is making this dream a reality for some.

But there’s a catch: the chosen few will be required to report and share their experiences in each destination to help Airbnb improve their platform and offerings for the future. Think of it as a year-long investigation, where the cost is a series of book reports and the reward is free room and board for a year, plus a lifetime of memories and life-changing adventures. . It sounds like fair trade!

“The experience of living on Airbnb has been a real transformation for us,” said Debbie Campbell, one of Airbnb’s long-time hosts. We are delighted to see more people live and work wherever they want.

When you travel between different Airbnb locations, you’ll also receive accommodation credits and a translation allowance, and the company will even allow you to host your current property on their platform, so you can earn extra cash while you are away. you live like a nomad. You can also be accompanied by three additional companions. To enter you must be 18 years of age or older and be a citizen of the countries listed in the application. The program will run from September 2021 to July 2022, but the submission period ends on June 30, so get moving. And good luck!

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