Birmingham father sets up barber shop on vintage school bus used for UFO hunting

A Birmingham dad hit the road in his new barber shop converted from a 1980s school bus with a fascinating past.

Daniel Price, 28, hopes to make his mark on the local barber scene with his new vintage “barber bus”, which he has outfitted with everything he needs – from a 1950s chair to a sink and even a waiting room.

The bus, a Ford Transit MK2 Dormobile, has been carefully refurbished while retaining its unique features to show off its history.

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The vehicle was originally a school bus, adapted for students with disabilities, and was later painted blue and used to transport alien hunters on UFO sighting tours.

Daniel, who is from Selly Oak but now lives in North Solihull, told BirminghamLive: “I have been a barber in the Chelmsley Wood area for almost seven years now.

“There have been a lot of changes in the job since Covid and I thought I would see if I can do it on my own.

“I contacted a few people that I knew in the vintage car world and was able to acquire this bus from the 1980s. It was a school bus until 2018, and then it was used as a locator bus. UFO on tour in UK.

“I think there have been a few barber shops in vans before, but I don’t think anyone did a retro barbershop on a vintage bus.

“The bus is 41 years old now and some of the things inside are almost 70 years old, so everything is really classic.”

The future dad of four himself as an “old fashioned barber,” cutting hair in a way that suits the person rather than following the latest trend, and he wanted his new shop to reflect that.

Daniel repositioned the original school bus seats to create a waiting area inside and kept the wheelchair lift in the back, which he hopes to put back into service.

It also retained the two-tone blue and orange paint as well as the old school bus stickers.

The former musician opened the doors of the bus to customers on Wednesday, parked in a permanent spot in a parking lot near Chester Road in Smiths Wood, and he’s already had a huge response from puzzled locals.

But Daniel’s goal is to grow the business, with the ultimate dream being a land in Glastonbury.

“It’s just me working on the bus right now, but I’m looking to develop a permanent store in the next couple of years,” he said.

“I will always keep the bus and hope to use it for festivals. I would love to jump to Glastonbury and edit at festivals, but I want to continue in the Chelmsley Wood area.

“Now that I’m up and running there has already been a lot of interest and we hope Christmas week will be busy.”

Prices range from £ 15 for a men’s haircut, £ 10 for children and £ 5 for a beard shaping.

Search The Tattooed Barber Dan on Facebook for more information.

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