Boise Peeps works hard, but how do we rank?

This might surprise you … I get the feeling people seem to be busy bees here, but out of the 116 largest cities in the United States, Boise wasn’t even in the top 50!

Wallethub put together a list of the 50 most hardworking cities in America and I was a little shocked to see Boise ranked 56! I drive and feel like the people here in Treasure Valley are busy bees. Something to move things forward … The area is growing, so there are a lot of constructions, developments that are developing very quickly, just busy …

Number one on the list goes to Anchorage, Alaska. I have to imagine they are working their butt out there. Not only do they work hard, but they do so in freezing cold and often in the dark for months on end. There’s no way I can do it, honestly. Maybe I watch Ice Road Truckers too much, but I imagine it’s a tough place to live and work.

There are a lot of towns in Virginia on the list and I attribute that to military / government work. Surprisingly though, the number two city on the list is San Francisco, CA! This must be due to the extreme cost of living there. You kind of have to have 8 jobs to pay your rent or mortgage.

My hometown of Las Vegas ranked 90 on the list! Maybe I was influenced by it because I love naps. Check out the rest of the data for yourself here courtesy of Wallethub.

The 20 best paying jobs in Boise

According to the latest figures published on the Idaho Department of Labor website, these are the highest paying jobs in “Boise City”. This region includes Ada, Canyon, Boise and Gem counties.

KEEP READING: Idaho’s Most Often Misspelled Cities Revealed

Many cities in Idaho are easy to say and spell. Some are easy to say but difficult to spell. And some are hard to say and hard to spell. Whether you were born and raised in Idaho and have only been here a few months, these are the most misspelled cities in Idaho.

Spend the night in one of these four spectacular boys from Boise Airbnb

These four homes were remodeled by the Boise Boys on or off the show. We’ll give you the episode number and the current rental price for each of those Airbnbs.

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