Brazil lifts ban on unvaccinated Americans

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Brazil has just taken a major step in restoring pre-Covid normalcy after spending months in the company of some of the the most restrictive countries in the world. More precisely, he eventually lifted his ban on unvaccinated visitors, including Americansagain allowing all foreigners with some limitations.

Young male tourist sitting on top of a rock overlooking Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

At the start of the pandemic, Brazil maintained a policy of open borders, a bit like mexico and Caribbean nations, although this still required visitor testing. However, things changed drastically when vaccines became widely available, and the country, where vaccination is incredibly high, closed its doors to those who choose not to get vaccinated.

Fortunately, since this week, non-vaxxers can start exploring Brazil again by fulfilling a simple requirement:

Uninfected Americans are welcome again on one simple condition

Smiling tourist couple at the beach in Brazil, South America

A new decree published on September 12 amended guidelines for Americans traveling to Brazil. Although the process has always been fairly simple, with no post-arrival testing or strict quarantine rules, South America’s number one country began turning away unvaccinated travelers in late 2021, at the height of the pandemic. Omicron wave.

Essentially, the group was no longer allowed to board flights into the country, as they had once been, using a negative Covid test as proof of entry. This outright ban lasted nine whole months, dating back to December 10 from last year and run away from 73 million Americans who have chosen not to be vaccinated.

Pelourinho, historic city center of Salvador, Bahia, northeastern Brazil

As autumn approaches in the northern hemisphere and the first days of Brazil’s long, hot summer months, the strict vaccine rule, which has placed the country side by side with the Netherlands, Canada and others, has been removed. Brazilian authorities have relaxed their borders and now expect tourists to produce only one of the following documents:

  • Proof of vaccination; or
  • A negative covid test made one day before boarding.

How many doses are needed to meet the vaccination criteria?

Traveler Showing Health Certificate, Vaccination Passport Against International Travel Background

Two doses are enough, or just one in the case of Janssen.

Brazil considers Americans fully immunized when they have completed the initial vaccination schedule of all vaccines approved by Anvisa, other brands that have been certified by the World Health Organization, or even by equivalent health bodies in specific countries. Anvisa is the equivalent of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In sum, Brazil accepts all popular vaccination certificates issued around the world, including Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, Sinovac and others. The decree specifies that, to be valid, the proof of vaccination must contain the name of the recipient, the brand of the vaccine or information on its manufacturer, as well as the number of doses administered and their precise dates.

Young man watching the Twin Brothers Rock Formation in Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brazil

Both printed and electronic certificates are accepted, but it should be noted that Brazilian border agents will not accept QR-code certificates only without any specification. If you qualify as an immunized traveler and plan to use a digital certificate as proof of entry, make sure it contains all relevant information described in the paragraph above.

What Covid tests are accepted as proof of entry?

On the other hand, if a traveler cannot present proof of vaccination, he must not anymore be denied boarding, but must present a negative Covid test result, issued by a laboratory, taken no later than one day before the departure time. The unvaccinated can choose between the more detailed PCR or the Rapid Antigen tests.

Beautiful colonial era church in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Other than that, all of the following is true:

  • Travelers are not required to complete a registration form
  • There is no post-arrival testing for vaccinated and unvaccinated
  • No quarantine applies to travelers arriving from abroad
  • There are no restrictions on interstate travel within Brazil
  • Mandatory use of face masks on airplanes, public transport, airports and other public places has been survey*

*Different Brazilian states, cities and municipalities have their own jurisdiction which may or may not overrule the federal mandate. If you are unsure whether masks are still required in a particular state or at your final destination, we advise you to obtain confirmation from local authorities.

Small town of Pipa in the northeast of Brazil, South America

Brazil is not yet fully reopened like Argentina, but it is getting seriously close

It’s not yet a full reopening in the mold of neighbors Argentina or Portuguese-speaking compatriots Portugalbut this serves as proof Brazil is indeed pursuing the path of a wider reopeningunlike other American nations that not only continue to ban unvaccinated Americans, but go as far as tighten the rules further.

In addition to lifting the controversial ban, the tropical gem has said yes to cruise ships and has proven to be on top of the latest travel trends, being the proud homeland of south america the very first digital nomad village. Of course, we want to see Brazil resume tourism as usual with zero requirements for everyone, but until that day we will savor every little victory.

Read more:

4 incredible off-the-beaten-track destinations in Brazil

Brazil to launch new digital nomad visas for up to 2 years

New Zealand drops vaccine requirement for travelers and drops mask mandates

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Traveler alert: Don’t forget travel insurance for your next trip!

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