Invasive ant with painful sting headed for myocardial infarction

There’s an invasive ant with a stinger and a venom sac that hasn’t been found in Michigan (yet), but it’s getting close.

Over the years, the Asiatic ant has been found mostly in southern states like Georgia, Kentucky, Virginia, Florida, and a few others. For the first time, it was recently discovered in Evansville, Indiana. This is the farthest north that experts believe he has ever travelled.

What makes this ant different from others is the fact that it has a painful stinger and a venom sac.

The ant isn’t there yet in Michigan and it’s not something to panic about. According to The Detroit News for most people, the bites of the Asian ant won’t be harmful, just painful. But people who are hyperallergic to stings from insects like bees or wasps should be prepared with a treatment such as an EpiPen.

The ant can enter your house like the others, but if you come into contact with this sucker and get stung, it will hurt a lot.

When you look at the ant from a distance, it looks like any other ant, but if you get up close, you can see the stinger and the venom sac. Some experts say ants aren’t out to sting you, but they will if you force them to.

Right now, that’s not even something we have to worry about since they’re not in Michigan. However, they are heading north, so it is only a matter of time.

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