Jan 6 inmate dies of starvation, lawyer says

A A man charged in connection with the Capitol riot who is being held in a Virginia jail is at risk of death, his attorney has said.

Christopher Quaglin, who is being held in Warsaw‘s Northern Neck Regional Prison awaiting trial, is being denied a special diet and adequate medical care for his celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that can lead to small intestine damage if foods containing gluten are eaten, according to attorney Joseph McBride.

“They’re starving the guy,” McBride told the period time. “They’ve moved him six times since he’s been detained. We can’t send him to a facility that can’t take care of him.”


People with celiac disease require that food “be prepared the same way a Jewish person’s kosher food would be prepared: separately,” McBride said.

“Everything has to be separated because if there’s cross contamination you can kill him. He’s lost almost 20 pounds now since December 21,” he added of his client.

Ted Hull, the prison superintendent, hit back at McBride’s claims.

“Regardless of Mr. McBride’s fictitious claims, inmate Quaglin is receiving and has received the appropriate diet designed by a dietitian in accordance with his specific dietary needs and the appropriate level of medical services in accordance with his diagnosis,” Hull said.

Quaglin, a New Jersey resident, was arrested in April and charged in federal court with allegedly assaulting law enforcement officers and disrupting congressional proceedings during the Capitol Riot on January 6, 2021. He would also be a self-proclaimed member of the Proud Boys, a right-wing group, according to a remand memo.

Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Clay Higgins of Louisiana were among a group of 14 politicians who sent a letter to Michael Carvajal, the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, on January 3, asking him to use his authority to investigate alleged cases of ‘abuse’ in federal prisons, and if not, they would use their ‘authority to investigate [his] failure.”

Quaglin had previously been imprisoned in Washington, D.C., where Greene, along with Republican Texas Representative Louie Gohmert, toured the facilities and raised concerns about the treatment of Jan. 6 inmates while awaiting trial. McBride said Quaglin was emotional after Greene and Gohmert’s visit and made an appearance on the cover of Greene’s “Exceptionally Cruel: An Eyewitness Report From Inside DC Jail.”


“The prison retaliated against him,” McBride said. “Marjorie and Louie were there on the 4th. Christopher was transferred from there in the middle of the night to Lewisburg on the 9th. From Lewisburg he was transferred to Alexandria and from Alexandria to Northern Neck. This is all retaliatory, punitive.”

the Washington Examiner contacted McBride and Northern Neck Regional Jail for further comment.

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