Kia and Hyundai cars stolen at alarming rate using USB cables because of TikTok’s ‘Kia Challenge’

Not only is car theft on the rise, in general, but the way people steal cars is becoming increasingly complex. Our obsession with everything remote-controlled is coming back to bite us. Kia and Hyundai owners are at risk of having their car stolen using a USB cable thanks to the gruesome new TikTok “Kia Challenge”.

” src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; automatic reading; clipboard-write; encrypted medium; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen title=””Kia Boyz” continues to target Kia and Hyundai vehicles in Grand Rapids as trend hits TikTok”>

What is the TikTok “Kia Challenge?”

According Self-evolution, the Kia Challenge emerged after a video uploaded to TikTok of someone starting a Kia with a USB cable went viral. Today Kia and Hyundai owners are reporting that their cars have been stolen at an alarming rate.

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