Madeira removes mask requirement, allowing travelers to fully enjoy their trip

The Portuguese autonomous region of Madeira, which is one of the main summer destinations in Europe, has lifted the last restrictions imposed as a COVID-19 measure, that of wearing a mask in indoor and outdoor spaces.

On May 13, the country’s authorities approved resolution no. of a high vaccination rate. rates.

The use of a mask is compulsory, for people from the age of 6, for access or stay in the places indicated below, in accordance with n. 2), of Resolution nº 316/2022, of May 13.

  • Health facilities and services, including pharmacies;
  • Means of public passenger transport, including the transport of passengers by taxis or the like;
  • Platforms and covered access areas for public transport, including airports and maritime terminals;
  • In confirmed cases of COVID-19, under all circumstances, whenever the person is out of isolation, up to the 10th day after the onset of symptoms or a positive test result”, explain the authorities on, which is the official website of the Official Madeira Tourist Board for trips to Madeira.

Mainland Portugal, on the other hand, removed the mask requirement at the end of April. to access the majority of public places and events, such as restaurants, cafes, shopping centers and museums, among others. The obligation to wear a mask remains effective in health establishments and other establishments frequented mainly by vulnerable people.

As an autonomous region, since the start of the pandemic, Madeira has kept restrictions in place separately from Portugal. While Portugal continues to apply entry restrictions for travelers to its mainland, Madeira removed all restrictions from mid-March.

There are no restrictions on the entry of travelers to airports, ports and marinas in the Autonomous Region of Madeira“, explain the authorities.

However, people with symptoms of COVID-19 should be tested for COVID-19 at their own expense. If they test positive, they are obliged to self-quarantine at home or in a hotel, also at their own expense. They can only leave isolation on the fifth day, if they no longer show symptoms of COVID. The test is not mandatory to end the quarantine on the sixth day.

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