Martharitaville is no more: Puerto Rico becomes the first US territory to ban Cornell Spring Breakers

On Wednesday, April 20, Puerto Rico State President Joey Byron announced that the island would no longer accept Cornell students and alumni as visitors during spring break. With the endorsement of US President Joe Biden and in cooperation with the local hospitality industry, Cornellians will no longer find relaxation and rest on this island.

“We have dealt with everything from vagrancy, litter, public indecency, noise, complete disrespect for local customs and on top of everything, almost every resident has complained about Cornell students taking the beach for bonfires,” said Sandra Lee, Byron’s secretary.

The new rule applies to all currently enrolled Cornell students. Before booking flights and Airbnbs, the government will cross-check first and last names with student data in the Cornell Student Center, which the university has provided local government access to. Students who have family in any area will need to complete a special visa application which would require them to list family members and provide a DNA test as proof of family connections.

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