Moscow says kyiv planned assault before invasion, KNOWS

Moscow released documents showing a secret order for a Ukrainian offensive against Donbass in March 2022, a day before Ankara was set to mediate between the two sides.

The Russian Defense Ministry on Wednesday issued a secret order for an offensive in Donbass in March 2022, according to TASS, with the Russian news agency reporting that the order was issued by the commander of Ukraine’s National Guard.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said that “the order, conveyed to the commanders of the National Guard of Ukraine, contains a detailed plan for the preparation of a strike group to carry out a offensive in the area of ​​the so-called “Joint Forces”. Operation’ in the Donbass.”

Konashenkov said the released documents showed “an original order issued by the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, General Nikolay Balan, on January 22, 2022.”

The post comes a week after Ukraine’s military posted on Facebook what it claimed was a tactical map with invasion plans captured by the Russians and apparently stamped on January 18, 2022.

“The document establishes a battalion tactical group of the Fourth Operational Brigade of the National Guard, ensures the supply of necessary supplies and resubordinates it to the 80th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Major General said. .

The spokesperson also claimed that “since 2016, the brigade has been trained by American and British instructors in Lvov in accordance with NATO training programs”.

Media reporting the story said Ukrainian sources called the document fake, but no immediate statement was made by Kyiv.

Moscow says the documents contained original signatures of officials and were addressed to the heads of the territorial departments of the National Guard of Ukraine.

News of the release of the Ukrainian documents comes a day before Ankara is supposed to mediate a meeting between Moscow and Kyiv.

The post also comes a week after the Ukrainian military task force East posted on Facebook what it claimed was a tactical map with invasion plans captured by the Russian 810th Naval Infantry Brigade and apparently stamped on January 18, 2022. .

“Thanks to the successful actions of one of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers not only lose their equipment and manpower. Panicked, they leave behind secret documents,” Operational Group East wrote on March 2.

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