Rob and Lindsey Burrow announced as first patrons of Leeds Hospitals Charity

The announcement of the couple’s new role comes just months after the Burrow family made our appeal to the Rob Burrow Center for Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

Rob was diagnosed with MND in 2019, and since then his family has worked tirelessly to help raise awareness and funds for several charities, including our call to build an MND specialist center in our town.

Lindsey, who works as a physiotherapist at Leeds University Hospitals, has seen firsthand the difference charitable giving can make.

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Rob was diagnosed with MND in 2019, and since then his family has worked tirelessly to help raise awareness and funds for several charities, including our call to build an MND specialist center in our town. (Leeds Hospitals Charity)

She said: “Rob and I feel it is a great honor and privilege to be invited by the Leeds Hospitals Charity to be patrons. Together, we will continue to do all we can to help raise awareness and raise much-needed funds to support the charity’s appeal and the Rob Burrow Center for MND.

Since the launch of the Rob Burrow Center for MND appeal in September 2021, over £1.7million has been raised. This is thanks to the incredible support of people in Leeds, across the UK and beyond, and of course the heroic fundraising efforts of Kevin Sinfield through his Extra Mile challenge in November.

Esther Wakeman, chief executive of Leeds Hospitals Charity, said: “It has been truly impressive to see the efforts of the Burrow family to raise funds and awareness since Rob was diagnosed. Despite their personal struggle, it has been amazing to see their commitment to supporting people with MND and their loved ones. We are delighted to be working with Rob and Lindsey in their new role as patrons to help bring this wonderful project to life.

By donating to our appeal, you can support the creation of a bespoke centre, which will bring together all MND services under one roof for the first time. Here, patients will have access to a range of holistic support tailored to their needs, from speech therapy to dietary and nutritional advice to physiotherapy.

The charity hopes that through donations, this purpose-built center will transform the hospital experience for people with MND, their loved ones and our NHS heroes who care for them.

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