TD Bank opens technical office in Florida

TD Bank Group has opened a technology office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where it plans to hire 200 software engineers, developers and architects as part of a broader effort to hire 2,000 technology workers across the company in 2022.

The new setup, which TD calls a technology delivery center, is a way to access the region’s growing tech talent base, said Greg Keeley, the bank’s senior senior vice president of platforms and services. technology.

The Toronto-based financial services company plans to hire for skills such as cloud, machine learning and automation. The team will work to improve the digital user experience for retail and wealth management clients in Canada and the United States, he added. It will be hosted at the bank’s offices in Fort Lauderdale.

The bank is working with the Alan B. Levan NSU Broward Innovation Center at Nova Southeastern University, a public-private partnership between NSU and Broward County, to grow its network and find talent, said Teresa Grandal, director deputy operations executive at the Levan Center. . TD has rented office space at the center for use by technology center employees, the bank said.

TD, which also has an innovation center in Waterloo, Canada, said the South Florida hub was part of an effort to support cross-functional teams practicing agile software development, a set of principles aiming to release software faster and in line with customer needs.

Greg Keeley, Senior Executive Vice President, Platforms and Technology, TD Bank


TD Bank Group

“It’s how you see software being developed for new technology delivery platforms that you see in fintech,” Keeley said.

In January, the bank announced that it plans to recruit more than 2,000 techs in 2022 as part of its goal to accelerate the delivery of digital products, recruiting skills such as cloud technology, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and data.

TD’s interest in South Florida coincides with a growing number of tech workers who have moved to the area during the pandemic, said Chuck Gray, partner and head of the US tech officer practice. United with leadership consultancy Egon Zehnder.

Broward County, in which Fort Lauderdale is the largest city, is home to about 1,900 financial and fintech companies and more than 19,000 people employed in the sector, according to South Florida Tech Hub, a regional nonprofit technology organization. . Florida saw the second-biggest jump in net tech job increases after Texas in 2021, according to IT trade group CompTIA.

TD isn’t the only major bank to open technology centers to accelerate product development. Last week, PNC Financial Services Group Inc.

opened a tech hub in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that accommodates 200 workers.

Write to Suman Bhattacharyya at [email protected]

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Appeared in the April 27, 2022 print edition as “TD Bank to Open Tech Hub in Florida”.

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