Woman realizes hotel peephole allows strangers to peek into her room from hallway

A woman has warned fellow travelers to beware of ‘rigged’ peepholes in hotels, after discovering hers allowed passers-by to look directly into her hotel room.

TikTok user Erin Vabney was staying in Las Vegas when she realized the peephole in her hotel room door had been ‘installed upside down’ – giving staff and strangers a direct view of his room, rather than doing its proper function of allowing him to see who was standing outside.

Erin didn’t seem surprised by the disturbing discovery, saying it was “very common” in the hotels she had stayed at.

“What it’s like to travel as a woman,” she captioned her video.

“Always check your peepholes. Mine was installed upside down so anyone in my hotel room could see. It is very common for peepholes to be tampered with.

The TikTok video, which has had 2.2 million views so far, shows Erin walking out into the hallway and zooming in to focus on her bedroom peephole.

The peephole clearly shows the hallway leading to her bedroom as well as part of the bedroom, meaning anyone walking past could see her without their knowledge.

“Awesome, another thing to worry about,” one follower commented.

“I have a whole playlist [of TikTok videos] in my bookmarks titled ‘What to look for in hotels’,” said another.

Others shared tips for filling the peephole with toilet paper from the side of the room or covering it with a post-it note to thwart potential voyeurs.

This follows a wave of TikTok users revealing they found hidden cameras in their rental apartments.

In February, Texas-based Brittany Walsh posted a video showing the centimeters-wide device – about the size of a ping-pong ball – she found plugged into the wall of her vacation home.

Meanwhile, British TikTok user Marcus Hutchins, who describes himself as an “ex-hacker”, shared his tips for spotting hidden cameras in Airbnbs in a video that quickly went viral.

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