Airbnb limits who can book on NYE weekends

In 11 countries, the company plans to limit who can book an Airbnb on NYE weekends.

DALLAS – If you were planning on booking an Airbnb to end 2022 on a high, you strength need to come up with a backup plan.

The company just announced that they take additional measures to prevent unauthorized New Year’s parties. Their plan will affect users in 11 countries: the United States (including Puerto Rico), Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal and the Netherlands.

Long story short: if your Airbnb track record isn’t spotless, you won’t be allowed to book a spot on NYE weekends. Anyone with no positive history – or no previous bookings at all – will be barred from one-night bookings on the platform.

Restrictions will be tighter for people trying to book a place for two or three nights around NYE, especially if the booking is local.

In the announcement, the company says that while most guests and hosts are respectful and responsible, New Year’s Eve attracts more risk of disruptive parties.

“These proactive defenses will help promote responsible travel and prevent rare instances of unwanted behavior, and allow hosts, travelers and communities to enjoy their holiday season with added confidence,” said Naba Banerjee. , Director of Trusted Products and Operations at Airbnb. .

This NYE ​​crackdown follows Airbnb’s permanent party ban that was made official over the summer. The company also noted its success in previous defenses around New Year’s Eve, saying party incidents around this season have dropped nearly 60% since their 2020 pilot.

Airbnb plans to continue to expand its advocacy initiative with measures such as booking screenings, noise censors for hostsand Support and safety lines for local communities, hosts and guests.

Note: The following video was uploaded in November 2022.

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