Cedar Rapids STILL one of the worst cities in the raw study

Good night, sleep well, don’t let bed bugs bite.

Unless you’re in Cedar Rapids because they’ll probably bite you!

A list came out this month that ranks some of the worst cities in America for bed bugs.

This study is based on data collected between December 1, 2021 and November 30, 2022. It focuses on the number of bed bug treatments performed in that particular metropolitan area, according to Orkin.

Adult bed bugs are brown and about the size of an apple seed. according to officials. They are also VERY smelly. These pests give off a “sweet mold” smell.

One of the best ways to help detect bedbugs early, keep a close eye on your luggage in hotels. Often the critters can be found in common places in a hotel room like the luggage rack.

Plus, it never hurts to use a protective cover on your mattress to make sure it doesn’t squeeze inside.

If you’re not already feeling a little disgusted by all that bed bug stuff…it’s going to get a little worse. Just a warning, huh!

Last year, Cedar Rapids appeared on the list. However, there is a silver lining with this year’s results. The 2023 results placed the “City of Five Seasons” in 31 on the list. Cedar Rapids came in just behind Knoxville, Tennessee and ahead of Omaha, Nebraska.

Here are the ten best cities in America

  1. Chicago

  2. New York

  3. philadelphia cream

  4. Cleveland-Akron, OH

  5. Los Angeles

  6. Detroit

  7. Indianapolis

  8. Baltimore

  9. washington d.c.

  10. Columbus, Ohio

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