Jerry Dickinson campaigns for Congress and electoral reform

Jerry Dickinson has joined a small group of politicians in Pittsburgh‘s Northside to promote electoral reform. While the subject was at the forefront in the last presidential election, Dickinson intervenes. “Expand postal voting, make elections a federal holiday and end gerrymandering.” Quite simple.

The friends of the family event took place in front of the former Heinz factory. Much like Heinz Ketchup, Dickinson hopes everyone knows where his candidates are coming from. He entered the race as a Democrat to seek the seat of the PA’s 18th congressional district.

Jerry Dickinson talks about voting rights, unions and overcoming democratic struggles in Pittsburgh. Foo Conner | Jekko.

Major news organizations have mislabeled Jerry Dickinson as a far-fetched candidacy. He is not.
When did a constitutional law professor become an unlikely candidate? Dickinson teaches at the University of Pittsburgh. He has championed many issues for years. He made sure the event would be family friendly, as he has one of his own.

And the endorsements? He is not alone. Jerry Dickinson was joined by Bethany Hallam (Allegheny County Councilor, At-Large), Emily Kinkead (Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 20th District), Bethani Cameron (former candidate and lawyer), as well as musical guest Colin Hill (Colin and the Crows).

Jerry Dickinson and Foo Conner sit and discuss the race at the headquarters of Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District.

As the kids played with pumpkins, Jerry Dickinson and I talked about the right to housing. The neighborhood around us has gone from dilapidation to restoration. Homes in the area that were once bought in a fiery sale are now popular AirBNB properties. The rising price of housing has dislocated many people from the community, some believing they had no say in the change. Much like the voting cards, he has plans to maintain equality in the gentrification of communities.

In our exchange, it was clear that Dickinson was well read on the news. He’s a teacher after all. What was shocking were the field boots he brought to the table.

Jerry Dickinson unsuccessfully challenged Congressman Mike Doyle in the last election. With Doyle’s announcement not to be re-elected, Dickinson has the upper hand over the other candidates, as he’s already knocked on the door. It is his hope that he brings this experience with him to Congress.

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