Miami Valley Bengals fans set to travel to Los Angeles for Super Bowl 56

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – Following the Cincinnati Bengals’ victory over the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday 27-24, many Bengals fans are now looking forward to heading to the West Coast for the Super Bowl against the LA Rams .

Former WDTN employee Lindsay Patterson has been a lifelong Bengals fan and said she and her family celebrated the big win by buying tickets to Los Angeles. “A few weeks ago it started to look real,” Patterson said.

“They won the wild card game. Then they go on the road and beat Tennessee. And this one was going to be pretty tough against the Kansas City Chiefs. So we started looking and we saw Airbnbs, hotels – which I recommend if someone is going to the Super Bowl, look at those Airbnbs if you have a lot of people. But, yeah, I decided to go ahead and book the plane tickets before it got too crazy.

Local travel companies in the Miami Valley are also seeing an increase in Bengals fans wanting to make the trip. “Great excitement. They’re just like I have to be there. Even if they don’t see the game because they can’t get a ticket or it’s beyond their budget, they want to go out there and just being out there with the band, with the crowd,” said North Dayton AAA Retail Store Manager Lori Comer.

Comer also said that with an event like the Super Bowl, travel companies are also encouraging travelers to exercise caution when making major spending decisions.

“Be sure to also read all policies in terms of conditions. Cancellation policies. It’s a huge event, so expect prices to be different than what you’re used to paying. Probably a lot of non-refundable components,” Comer said.

Although Patterson isn’t sure if her family will be going to the game, she’s excited to be in the City of Angels and supporting her favorite team. “It’s just unbelievable to think that they’re going to play in the Super Bowl. I think I’ve said that to myself about five or ten times this morning and last night. So it’s going to be surreal, and I’ve can’t wait for it to really hit,” Patterson said.

For more information on offers from local travel agencies when traveling to the Super Bowl, click here.

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