Obituary of Marta Krawiec | Children’s health

Marta Krawiec, who died at the age of 41 after being involved in a traffic accident while cycling to work in Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, was a pediatrician and a children’s allergist. She had moved to London from Warsaw to develop her career in child health.

Born in Kielce, southern Poland to Ewa and Adam Krawiec, Marta grew up in Skierniewice, attending Bolesław Prus High School and after school every day the Fryderyk Chopin State Music School in Sochaczew . She then trained at the University of Medicine in Warsaw and obtained a doctorate there in the treatment of asthma and rhinitis in children.

In 2006, she started working as a doctor at the Warsaw Pediatric Teaching Public Hospital, where she graduated. But London, which was quickly becoming a European leader in this field of medicine, quickly became his target.

In 2016, Marta joined King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, playing a leading role in research in allergy prevention and diagnostic trials in infants and children. In two years, she was appointed consultant in pediatric allergology.

At the height of the pandemic, Marta’s increased workload did not prevent her from volunteering as a participant in vaccine trials at Oxford and as a clinician in Covid-19 wards. To get to her patients safely, she borrowed an old bicycle from its owner. Cycling suited Marta’s outlook; it also became a source of joy for her, giving her the freedom to experience the sights and sounds of London.

At the heart of Marta’s intellectual achievements was a simple curiosity about people and places. My 10 year old daughter was one of her first patients in London. Marta spoke with such excitement about her new home and her plans to see as many as possible, that my daughter drew a color map and presented it to her on her second visit. Occasionally, when the room was quieter, she would play the piano with my daughter.

Her partner Raph, whom she met in London, said: “Hundreds of children across London are leading better lives because of Marta. But the city she served and loved couldn’t keep her safe. She was the fifth cyclist in eight years to be killed at Holborn Junction, and the Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust called for action.

At Old St Pancras Church, where she worshiped regularly, the congregation knew that she was not only a brilliant physician, but also compassionate and gentle. Her research team at Evelina London are determined to continue her legacy.

Marta is survived by Raph, her parents and siblings Tomasz, Aleksandra and Ewa.

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