Stay at this AirBnB ‘Boatel’ for a unique Iowa getaway

There is no shortage of AirBnBs in Iowa.

From treehouses to barns, to your typical stay in a house or apartment, there are plenty of options.

There aren’t many boathouses, unless you head to Iowa’s only island town, Sabula.

the Boat yacht “Lily Pad” offers so much, including room for up to six people, free kayaking, a beach, a full kitchen, and more. Looked!

Stay at this AirBnB ‘Boatel’ for a unique Iowa getaway

Staying in an AirBnB on land? We can’t imagine. Book this houseboat in a landlocked state for a unique stay worthy of history.

It’s not just a boat either. Among the 19 amenities offered on the Lily Pad are a washer and dryer, TV, wifi, dedicated workspace, and more.

Although you can’t take the boat for a ride, it’s a pretty unique stay. Especially for us Iowans.

ET, Jesse, the superhost of this AirBnB, is very popular with people who have stayed at his other residences. It got 90 customer reviews and they loved the place they stayed.

Moreover, the uniqueness does not stop at your stay on the boat. Sabula is quite the place.

“Did you know it wasn’t always an island? It was attached, if you will, to the rest of Iowa until locks and dams were built along the river in 1939. They have designed to facilitate river travel by tugboats, the process put the western part of the city under water.

Sabula was founded in 1835, just two years after Dubuque, Iowa’s oldest city. It now has just over 500 inhabitants. The island city is about a quarter of a mile wide and only a mile long.”

Cedar Rapids Airbnb lets you hang out with llamas

Prairie Patch Farm in Cedar Rapids offers an Airbnb experience where you can stay at a century-old farmhouse and pet llamas!

Iowa is home to ‘Castletown, USA’

This small town in northwest Iowa has a bit more character, i.e. medieval character.

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