‘The Challenge’ Johnny Bananas and Jordan Wiseley Travel to Ukraine to Help with Humanitarian Efforts – Ashley’s Reality Roundup

Johnny Bananas and Jordan Wisley of The challenge are currently overseas helping Ukrainians by transporting and distributing much-needed supplies amid Russia’s invasion of the country.

According to TMZ, Johnny joined a humanitarian convoy with the Humanosh Foundation – a non-profit organization that provides shelter and aid to refugees and soldiers – through which he helped deliver 3 ambulances and 3 vans filled with various supplies earlier this week.

Johnny shared a series of photos on Monday documenting the work he and the Humanosh Foundation team are doing from Warsaw, Poland, and urged those interested to contact the foundation for information on ways to contribute.

“I could no longer sit and do nothing as a sovereign country is invaded and innocent civilians are slaughtered,” he wrote on Instagram.

Johnny has been sharing photos and videos since he arrived, and he said TMZ the mission made him realize that American problems pale in comparison to what Ukrainians face.

As for Jordan, he and his roommate Kevin Pasdon traveled to Poland earlier this month where they have been busy loading vans with supplies and making daily trips to distribute the goods to Ukrainians. While the two arrived in Poland without a plan, their US passports helped them find work quickly, as they can cross the border more easily, TMZ reports.

Earlier this month, Jordan shared a video on Instagram updating his followers on what he and Kevin have been up to since arriving and explaining how deliveries are coordinated.

“Soldiers contact us to get their wives, sisters, mothers and children to safety while they have to stay and fight for their future,” he added. “We take them out, put them in their own private room at our Airbnb, and then on transport to wherever they need to go.”

The housemates also started a fundraising online by Fundamentally, in which they solicit donations for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. So far, the campaign has surpassed the $20,000 goal by over $15,000. (Click here to donate and to watch the latest update video from Jordan and Kevin.)

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(Pictures: Instagram)

Key words:
Fundraisers, Johnny Bananas, Jordan Wiseley, MTV, The Challenge

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