The last inmate of Cereso prison gives an interview from Juarez, Mex

The latest prison inmate who is at the center of the latest prison break in Juarez, Mexico, tells WE why he wants to stay on the INSIDE one of the most dangerous prisons in the world.

In the aftermath of the Cereso #3 prison break which resulted in the escape of 25 inmates AND the death of 10 guards, the federal government decided to transfer all remaining inmates to other prisons in Mexico.

The Buzz Adams Morning Show was lucky enough to get an interview with the LAST remaining prisoner.

His name is Victor Alma-Hugo and he has been in prison for 15 years.

Despite being an acknowledged narco boss, in an unnamed cartel, he resisted all attempts to deport or change location, even in the chaos resulting from the recent violent prison break.

Through a translator, he told us about what happened when 25 fellow inmates were released, his current lifestyle in prison and why he doesn’t want to leave.

N / A: Hello Senor Hugo, how are you?

VH: Honestly, I’m pissed! [Translated]

N / A: Why?

VH: They are trying to get me out of my house!

N / A: You mean jail?

VH: Of course, what else do I mean? ! They keep attacking me!

N / A: Assault?

VH: Molestan! Harass !

N / A: Who keeps harassing you?

VH: Motherfucking motherfuckers from the government, they’re trying to get me out! The place where I have lived for 15 years! Even these guys that broke tried to scare me off with them, and I was like, no, I’m fine here homies.

N / A: The news showed luxury prison cells in Cereso with plasma TVs. Is it true?

Photo by Ginger Hendee on Unsplash

Photo by Ginger Hendee on Unsplash

VH: It’s just the tip, mate. I have an attached full bath, with a whirlpool tub and separate shower/wet sauna, which has a rain shower head with water pressure to die for. It could cut granite. You can’t find this kind of thing outside.

N / A: YesYou want to stay in a Mexican prison for a bathroom?

Photo by Filmreal Studio on Unsplash

Photo by Filmreal Studio on Unsplash

VH: Nooooo! Then there’s the personal chef, 24-hour room service, free housekeeping and turndown service, free personal trainer, weekly game nights, full spa with beautician and massage therapist. Japanese mud bath, and a California king mattress that can fit up to 9 vatos if you catch my drift mate.

Japanese mud bath

Getty Images

N / A: Truly? And Are the director, guards and staff, all government officials aware?

VH: Sheeeeeesh. Hell yeah, they did; not only did they know about our life, but they got to dip their dirty little toes into everything, and they got to enjoy it with us. Even the governor and the president showed up and sometimes we were all…

Our call was suddenly interrupted.

All other attempts to contact Victor ended in failure and a dial tone.

A jarring conversation with an abrupt end is all that remains of prisoner Victor Alma Hugo.

[email protected]

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