What you need to know about Airbnb laws in Las Vegas

Need a little extra paste and consider cleaning that extra room in the back and renting it out? To want to rent your house while you’re in California next week?

Stop by and check the laws before listing this cool Red Rock themed room to rent for the weekend. If you are not in the cities of Las Vegas or North Las Vegas, there is a good chance that you are about to break the law.

While Airbnb has empowered people – it’s a platform for people to list their spaces for short-term rental to strangers – it leaves all the legal risks for people as well.


Clark County, unincorporated, and most of the Hendersons have put the kibosh on short-term rentals (less than 30 days) in residential areas. And the city of Las Vegas has strict legal codes – including requiring hosts to obtain a business license, paying an annual fee of $ 500 for each rental unit, and mandating a letter from the host’s owners association, where applicable, indicating the authorization to have a short-term rental.

North Las Vegans – for once – you’re in luck.

“The city of North Las Vegas does not have a short-term rental ordinance,” said Greg Blackburn, the city’s public information officer. “We haven’t had any issues with these rentals, so we haven’t taken any action to require business licenses. Accordingly, we do not charge any fees and have no restrictions on rental periods.

Yes, you – like hundreds of others near the Strip (that’s the unincorporated county, not the city) – could give it a go and put your space up for rent anyway. What harm is he going to do?

Well Dan Kulin, public information officer for Clark County, says jail time.

“This is a felony misdemeanor charge for the zoning violation. You could face jail time and a fine of $ 1,000. “

Airbnb does not monitor hosts and remind them to be thorough in their research into laws, regulations, and tax orders before listing their spaces. Their guide to legal issues includes a city-by-city breakdown, but beware: it lists Las Vegas as a single entity. And the city proper is a very limited part of Clark County. If you are unsure of the jurisdiction in which your home is located, the county directs residents to an online map.

Most zonal offenders are caught the old fashioned way – curious or upset neighbors.

Although Airbnb doesn’t suggest anyone breaking local law, the company believes in good neighborliness. In his guide to new hosts, he suggests letting neighbors know about your intention to rent your home and discussing any issues they have with the concept before there are any issues.

The company has also set up a hotline for neighbors to discuss their concerns or find out more about their program at 888-927-4459.


Aside from the obvious (the money!), Many hosts do this for interacting with people around the world.

“I have always enjoyed working with people and feeling very comfortable with strangers; a person is just a stranger until you meet them, ”said Elisa Soler Zaldivar, a Canadian who, with her partner Nadia Regalado, rents her Las Vegas home.

“Our love for diversity, ethnicity and culture are the main reasons we decided to open an Airbnb at home.”

And Las Vegas is a hotspot for international travel. In March alone, 3.7 million people visited the Las Vegas metro area and filled 149,262 rooms. And 19% of all visitors in 2015 were international, according to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. And 68% of visitors also said they use the internet to plan their trip to Las Vegas, which is essential for Airbnb hosts.

“We have some great stories with a few young couples visiting us from different states, especially California. They were caring, respectful and grateful. They left us a nice note and flowers, other couples left a bottle of wine and a nice note; and for us, it’s more rewarding than anything else.


Airbnb almost requires its hosts to have home or tenant insurance. The company urges hosts to protect themselves, their property and tenants with property and liability insurance.

Liability insurance could be the key. If a tenant is injured on your property, they can sue. Liability insurance (usually through home or tenant insurance policies) protects you in these cases by paying up to the policy’s maximum for injuries on your property.

Because Airbnb is just a middleman, it doesn’t demand much from hosts or tenants, it just offers guarantees to allay worries.

The $ 1 Million Host Guarantee is a protection plan for hosts in the event a property is destroyed by a tenant.

Hosts are encouraged to resolve the issue directly with the tenant, but in the event that they sustain damage, the host is responsible for filing a police report and filing a claim before the next tenant arrives.

“Most of (our tenants) have been incredibly kind, caring and respectful to our home. We are very new to this area – which just started in February – and so far we are trying to have faith and trust in the goodwill and word of the people, ”Zaldivar said.


The money you make by renting out your free space can be both a help and a headache. Remember, Uncle Sam wants to know all of your earnings, not just what goes into a W2.

And some regions are realizing the loss of hotel taxes and charging Airbnb hosts taxes on their rentals as if they were hotels.

The best advice in this area is to find a tax man, sort out every detail of the tax code, and pay quarterly so you don’t have to pay a huge bill in April.

When it comes to legal issues, make sure the zoning allows for short-term rentals, protect yourself and your property, and then determine the tax laws in your area. It can be tricky for setup, but once you ride the details get more fun.

“For us, it’s not a job, it’s a passion. It is very important in this time to help each other and we love this concept of sharing economy and helping local people to grow and develop in everything they do.

It’s like going back to my grandparents’ days when everyone helped each other and that was the most important and right thing to do, ”Zaldivar said.

“Our best advice for anyone would be don’t do it for the money, do it because you love it. “

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