3 exhibitions before the opening of a place of artistic creation at the Ponthoile school

Jean-Michel Noirey presents his paintings there where he stages his theater character Pipo. (©The Journal of Abbeville)

Jean-Michel Noirey juggles here between his different worlds. His latest film M. et Mme Toutlemonde has barely been released in cinemas in the region when he is already working on another of his projects: the old school in Ponthoile.

The one that had been put on the front of the stage when it closed in 2018 and the songs that Gauvain Sers had been able to do on the subject will reopen its doors in early 2023 for its new assignment. “A place of artistic creation” as the artist and actor himself explains.

Paintings and a film

Before that, there was no question of leaving this place where generations of Pontilois have succeeded each other without life. This is why Jean-Michel Noirey has decided to open its doors temporarily, like last year, and thus to present three exhibitions. “I exhibit my own paintings, photos from the film Mr. and Mrs. Toutlemonde and Pippa Darbyshire and present his paintings of the Baie de Somme,” he explains.

The two exhibitions of paintings thus highlight the universe of their creator. Pippa Darbyshire emphasizes the pastel colors that can be found in the Baie de Somme and the natural tones of the region. Jean-Michel Noirey approaches another universe, that of theatre. A world that he knows perfectly well as an actor experienced in the prosecution. This is how he stages a character named Pipo. A valet of comedy that we can find different in his adventures. “A lot of people tell me there’s an air of me in this character. “The comedian also has fun.

Mr. and Mrs. Everyone

The project was born after the original play could not be performed due to Covid. Jean-Michel Noirey and his troupe from the Théâtre du Monde Entier therefore decided to make a film of it. He thus stages a set of portraits, made up of ten women and two men, all heroes of their ordinary lives. Characters who reveal their most intimate secrets and who try to answer the same question: How to write one’s life?
The film entirely shot in the region is previewed there. It was screened in July at the Pax in Quend-Plage. It is in this month of August at the Vox in Fort-Mahon. And will be in September in Mers-les-Bains, Montreuil-sur-Mer and Crécy-en-Ponthieu. As well as in October at the Rex in Abbeville, in Picardy and in Hauts-de-France.

Last works before opening

This ephemeral opening which will end on August 22 is thus an appetizer of what this old school will be like in the future. Open all year round, it will include an indoor theater with approximately 80 seats in the current place of the Jean-Michel Noirey exhibition, as well as an outdoor open-air theater with 250 seats in front of the entrance to the center and a educational garden. A free space will also be preserved for other activities, and one of the classes, which has not moved since its closure, will serve as a class reference and will be able to host conferences. The objective is to make discover creative works there. “We don’t want shows, expos or anything being broadcast to stop at the school. explains Jean-Michel Noirey.

A new film in the works

Next to that, another project will see the light of day for the Crotellois comedian. A new film, again shot in the region, will normally be shot in 2023 for a release at the end of the year or the beginning of 2024. It will depict a love and social story of a young married woman who experiences a love breakup and trying to rebuild. The film will be comical and guests are expected in the casting, beyond the many actors of Mr. and Mrs. Toutlemonde who will be new present.

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