The controversy surrounding the eleven tattoos is explained
When a TV series reaches a level of popularity Foreign things, it will definitely encourage fans to buy clothes, Halloween costumes, and some – tattoos. In the Netflix series, Eleven has a small tattoo with the number “011” on the inside of the wrist. The show later reveals that every Dr. Brenner researcher gets these numbers. Some fans repeated these tattoos on their hands, which caused a great deal of controversy.
Pilots at Hawkins Lab make tattoos in Stanger Things
Foreign things The first season was introduced by Eleven as she escaped from incarceration in Hawkins lab. Fans soon noticed a small Eleven tattoo (011) on the inside of her wrist. The series gradually revealed that Dr. Brenner had snatched these test pieces from their families and made a different tattoo for each of them.
Brenner used these tattoos as a means of taking away the identity of his experiments. In a similar way, he forced the children to call him “daddy” by establishing his own control. The image of eleven wrists was inspired Foreign things fans to make similar “tattoos” over the years. However, there is a reason why some people advise fans not to re-create this part of the Netflix series.
Disputes over fans making these tattoos explained
During the Holocaust, prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp had forced number tattoos on their hands. The site is dedicated to Auschwitz / Birkenau Museum writes: “The number of prisoners has become synonymous with the dehumanization that has befallen the deportees of the concentration camp. These figures were intended to help “manage” the camps effectively.
One in the viral thread Twitter the consumer explained this by urging people NOT to do “number tattoos”. “Obviously, tattoos make sense in the context of a show, but they can’t be done in real life just because you’re a fan of the show,” she wrote at the end of the topic. Some Reddit consumers have since spoken out in defense Foreign things tattoo.
People are shouting at Netflix about the filming space used in Season 4 of Strangers
More recently, Netflix has been criticized for the filming location in which it was used Foreign things 4 seasons. One of the stories of the season follows the imprisonment of Jim Hopper in a Russian internment camp. There, he faces torture for information about Hawkins labs.
However, according to, these scenes were actually filmed in Lukiškės Prison in Vilnius, Lithuania. “The prison also has a dark history. It was notorious for its use by the Nazis during World War II. The prison is one of the places associated with the horrific massacre of Ponario, during which 1941 100,000 Jews, Roma and political prisoners have been killed, “the newspaper said.
Netflix is reportedly partnering with Airbnb to use Lukiškės Prison as a hotel and insulting. Foreign things experience. Jews and Roma are now urging Netflix to take responsibility and apologize.
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