The controversy surrounding the eleven tattoos is explained

When a TV series reaches a level of popularity Foreign things, it will definitely encourage fans to buy clothes, Halloween costumes, and some – tattoos. In the Netflix series, Eleven has a small tattoo with the number “011” on the inside of the wrist. The show later reveals that every Dr. Brenner researcher gets these numbers. Some fans repeated these tattoos on their hands, which caused a great deal of controversy.

Children at the Hawkins Lab in Strangers | Netflix.

Pilots at Hawkins Lab make tattoos in Stanger Things

Foreign things The first season was introduced by Eleven as she escaped from incarceration in Hawkins lab. Fans soon noticed a small Eleven tattoo (011) on the inside of her wrist. The series gradually revealed that Dr. Brenner had snatched these test pieces from their families and made a different tattoo for each of them.

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