Monthly Archives

June 2022

Oh my god Airbnb! Funds

The OMG! The fund competition will select 100 teams to design, supply and host a 'breathtaking' structure to provide overnight accommodation to customers using the online platform, which was founded…

Rainbow River and Devil’s Den

Stop me if you've heard this one before.The family has summer vacation plans. A family member develops a curious sniffling, disturbing scratchy throat. A family member says, "#%$$@%%*&". A family member takes the COVID-19 test.…

“We went to London, Rome and Lisbon”

My wife and I love to travel. In the five years that we have been together, we have created many unforgettable memories during our trips abroad.But in July 2021 we took a cruise to the Greek Islands for my wife's 49th birthday which really…